Train local leaders in governance

Local citizens have appealed to the government and
civil society organisations to build the capacities of local leaders in
governance to reduce misuse of government resources and ensure efficient and
effective delivery of government resources to the local citizens. “There is
need to train local leaders in governance to reduce conflicts and ensure quality
work” says Maizi Garuhanga from Kyenjojo District.
Local citizens who participated in the discussions
through call-ins, SMS and online platforms like facebook also appealed to local
leaders to sensitise local citizens in governance and leadership to improve
service delivery monitoring, “leaders should sensitise local people on their
roles so that people can effectively monitor their services and demand
accountability from them.” Says Justus from Kabarole District.
Kyenjojo Town Council
The appeal was made on Better FM, Fort Portal on the
Listeners Forum radio program held on Sunday 21st July, 2013 (08:00 –
10:00pm) discussing issues of leadership and service delivery in Kyenjojo Town
Council. The discussion which was attended by Kyenjojo Town Council leaders who
included the Mayor Mr. Twaha Twine Musa, the deputy mayor Madam Ruhweza Aida, the
speaker Mr. Worugaba Laurent Isingoma and the interim secretary for works Madam
Kisembo Henrata.
The Mayor advised local leaders to work as a team to
improve service delivery in their local communities. The town council is currently
facing a stalemate because of failure to approve the budgets for service
delivery by councillors due to misuse of public funds by top leaders.
The councillors accuse the top leadership of the town
council which includes the Mayor, Speaker and Secretaries for failing to allow
the council and the district leadership discuss the internal audit report which
highlights the misuse of funds meant for the construction of Kajara Road and Taxi

The speaker advised the local leaders to avoid
discussing petty issues which are divisive and affect service delivery. The
Town Council Speaker also appealed to the local leaders to rather focus on
implementing their manifestos to ensure improved livelihoods for the local
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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